Canadian Life and Health Insurance Facts, 2023 Edition

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Retirement solutions Growing assets to support retirees Over the last decade, accumulation annuities* have driven growth in retirement assets held by insurers - up an average of five per cent annually since 2012. 82% of assets are invested in segregated funds** – up from 73% a decade ago 80% of assets are in the accumulation stage – up from 77% a decade ago Individual payout Group payout Individual accumulation Group accumulation 2014 2016 2018 2000 2022 2012 $ 600B $ 200B $ 300B $ 400B $ 500B $ 100B 7% 50% 29% 14% 8% 51% 28% 13% 8% 55% 24% 13% 9% 57% 22% 12% 9% 58% 22% 11% 46% 31% 7% 16% * Accumulation annuities are a flexible and secure investment vehicle for pension plans, RRSPs, TFSAs and non-registered funds during the savings stage. ** See "How Insurers Invest." Canadian Life & Health Insurance Facts // 2023 Edition 16

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