Did you know that your chances of living to 100 years old are better than ever?
According to recent research, many Canadians are adopting lifestyles that may allow
them to celebrate their 100th birthdays.
While living a long and fruitful life may be seen as a great gift, research conducted
by the CLHIA shows that Canadians are not adequately prepared financially to pay
for their future long-term care needs.
The realities of canada's aging population
• Looking forward over the next 35 years as baby boomers age, the cost of provid-
ing long-term care to Canadian boomers will be $1.2 trillion, and only half of that
amount is covered by current government programs.
• By the year 2036, it's expected that 25 per cent of the population will be over 65
with almost 1 million Canadians afflicted with dementia.
Consider these important findings