Canadian Life and Health Insurance Facts

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11 Group life insurance Group insurance purchases made up 30 per cent of the 2014 total. New contracts, including transfers of coverage from one insurer to another (which shows some volatility from year to year), account for the majority (about 90 per cent) of the group insurance purchased, while increases in coverage under existing contracts make up the remainder. The provision of more group insurance under existing benefit schedules to a worker receiving more pay is not classified as a new purchase. Sources: OSFI, CLHIA Life Insurance Purchases by Region – 2014 (per cent of coverage) Atlantic provinces 4.6% British Columbia 13.5% Quebec 20.6% Prairie provinces 23.3% Ontario 38.0% Individual Insurance Atlantic provinces 6.4% British Columbia 12.0% Quebec 21.6% Prairie provinces 23.0% Ontario 37.0% Group Insurance

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