Canadian Life and Health Insurance Facts

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20 dividend payments. Ten years ago, participating policies accounted for 16 per cent of life insurance ownership. Of the total dividends, the majority (over $2.4 billion or 96.4 per cent) was paid out under life insurance policies. Of the remainder, dividends under health insurance policies accounted for almost 3.6 per cent, with a negligible amount under annuities. Individual plans accounted for nearly 81 per cent of the total dividend payments, with the remainder paid under group contracts. Canadian life and health insurers with share capital (stock companies) are subject to legislation regulating the distribution of "profits" arising from participating policies to participating policyholders and to shareholders. Participating policyholders are entitled to at least 90 per cent of such profits distributed by small companies, grading up to almost 97.5 per cent for the largest companies.

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