Improving Advisor Oversight

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79 Wellington St. West, Suite 2300 P.O. Box 99, TD South Tower Toronto, Ontario M5K 1G8 416-777-2221 46 Elgin Street, Suite 400 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5K6 613-230-0031 1001 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Suite 630 Montreal, Quebec H3A 3C8 514-845-9004 Toronto Ottawa Montréal clhia clhia CLHIAACCAP clhia ©2017 Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association About the CLHIA The CLHIA is a voluntary association whose member companies account for 99% of Canada's life and health insurance business. The industry provides a wide range of financial security products such as life insurance, annuities (including RRSPs, RRIFs and pensions) and supplementary health insurance to over 28 million Canadians. It also holds over $760 billion of assets in Canada and employs about 148,600 Canadians.

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